Samsung announced the launch of its ultra sleek and stylish Netbook N-140. With the launch of this new model, Samsung has emerged as a full-range player in the Indian market with a comprehensive line-up of Mini Notebooks, under its N series and advanced R-series of Notebooks. This entire product range targets both the home user as well as the enterprise segment.
Designed for optimum mobility, the N-140s enhanced battery powered performance of 11 hours with a 6 cell battery, ensures total connectivity, even while youre on the go. This exceptional capability is guaranteed by energy efficient display, optimized processing performance with Windows 7 OS and Samsungs class-leading technology. It is the first netbook in the market which has a 250GB Hard Disc Drive.
The N140 comes with an spillproof keyboard and is priced at Rs. 24,990. With the launch of the Samsung N140, Samsung has a range of 4 Netbooks priced between Rs.18, 893 to Rs 27,990.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Samsung Unveils New Netbook on Windows 7
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1:26 PM