Canon India has introduced a special Mega festive delight offer for it discerning customers in India. In the lieu of making this Diwali special, Canon has introduced scratch&win offer where the customers stand a chance to win attractive prizes upto Rs 4999/- on the purchase of all digital imaging products. The offer is valid till 25th October 09.
Choosing the auspicious festival of Diwali and owing to the grandeur of the occasion, the Mega Festive Delight Offer enables customers to win a digital photo frame worth Rs 4999. Customers also stand a chance to win 100 free prints of their photographs or a personalized desktop calendar with purchase of every Canon camera.
Announcing the offer,Shunichi Senda, Director, Imaging Communication Products, Canon India said, Capturing the essence of festival, we are extremely delighted to present this special Diwali offer for our customers. This is yet another effort from the brand to connect with its customers at large. We are confident that our customers will appreciate this exciting offer and enjoy a vibrant and fun-filled festival of lights alongside.
Expressing his views on the offer, Alok Bharadwaj, Senior Vice-President, Canon India said, We hope the festival of light this year bids farewell to the adversities of economic slowdown which has gripped our economy since Diwali last year. With this Mega festival delight offer, Canon is all set to delight its customers and bring fervour to this auspicious occasion for them. It has been our constant endeavour to provide relevant offers to our customers across geographical and cultural spread. Hence this Diwali, we are looking at an annual growth of 30% over the last year.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Canon Pops Out Scratch & Win Offer
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1:21 PM