BenQ announced the launch of its first all-in-one PC for the Indian market 18.5-inch nScreen i91 and 21.5-inch i221. The nScreen combines great looks with the latest features, and offers users a more enjoyable Internet surfing experience with its simple set-up and friendly interface. The streamlined, attractive design of the nScreen is a new personal statement in living aesthetics.
Getting rid of complicated cables and portals, the nScreen allows users to start enjoying the Internet after plugging in and switching on the machine through its simple installation and user interface. nScreen i91&i221 perfectly integrates a computer inside a high definition (HD) widescreen with an aspect ratio of 16:9.
BenQ integrates the interface of a plug-and-play device into the nScreen i91 & i221 to make operation even simpler. For example, a knob on the bottom right of the computer front functions as a power button and a volume control, much like a TV. Users can also buy an optional nScreen handset, which may be used together with a built-in 1.3M webcam as a simple Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) videophone to see and chat with families and friends more conveniently and affordably.
The nScreen has a host of additional features. For seniors, the nScreens virtual magnifier function makes reading easier. It also comes with a senior mode to lower high audio frequencies and make sound clearer. Professional users can easily open the nScreens back cover to upgrade hard drives or memory chips without using screwdrivers. With these customized features, BenQ is offering users simple digital enjoyment with maximum ease.
The BenQ nScreen i91 & i221 are available through all BenQ dealers in India and are priced from Rs 26999 onwards.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
BenQ Unveils its First All-In-One PC
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1:22 PM